Portals of Perception

093 - Portals Into the Soul, Chapter 3: Symphonic Seven-fold Soul Work

Episode Notes

In chapter 2 we described the nature of separation events and the compensatory act of the soul — the ghost. Before developing ways to recover the sense of connection and explore pathways to reengage and liberate the greater potential of the soul, this chapter begins to reflect on a whole loom of considerations, including the experience of showing up in a human model, which is governed by a seven-fold process.

This is the first in a series of installments that will be seeking to place this soul odyssey inside the context of this moment in the unfolding epoch transition. It will open the way to prod the soul’s interface with the full orchestra of inner lives of a human, including in a later installment the brain and the mind.




“Do you ever wonder, is it possible humanity has lost contact with the natural terrain of what being human is and the meaning of life? Is it possible humanity has lost touch with reality and is now at a place where we cannot begin to recognize who we are? Is it possible our search for knowledge and for solutions to our problems has, for a couple of centuries, started from a displaced place?” (Aviv)

“There are moments and situations where we act with increasing integrity, vitality, and alignment to our values and what matters to us, and moments when we act with lesser intactness and lose wholesome sense of clarity. These are the natural ebbs and flows of soul orchestration. When we respond and act with integrity, we produce an inner glow, accompanying soul settlement and well-being” (Aviv)




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Portals Into the Soul, Chapter 3: Symphonic Seven-fold Soul Work