It may be easy to see the wisdom of Chinese philosopher Lao Tzu, who noted back in the 6th century BC, "The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step." When the journey of a lifetime is measured not in distance, but in sensing and connecting with a universal source of purpose and potency, what is that single first step?
We’ve explored throughout Current Openings the many facets and dimensions of the human development quest and challenge. From personal — transforming me — to the collective of together evolving ourselves through our relationships and communities, which in turn uplifts and transforms our world and humanity. All guided by the search for truth in a time of evolutionary change and new possibilities.
So, the first step? We know from our Portalsjourney that the human is the only species on the planet with freedom of choice — the power to focus the full energy and creativity inherent in the human design in pursuit of an intention. Make a decision, and it starts to build the potency of one person being able to say, “I choose to do this.”
We learn a lot more about the zones of human development in the new episode, #15, of Current Openings: What the World Doesn’t Quite Get Yet, with Aviv Shahar and David Price Francis. Among their insights:
Many amazing ponders and mysteries to explore. Which we do in this latest Homo Universalis conversation with Aviv Shahar and Portals friends Karen Heney and Kyriaki Nikandrou.
Among their ideas and insights:
This conversation is part of the continuing Portals discovery into what is emerging on the frontiers of human experience in this time of profound change. Information about upcoming special events can be found on the Events page. Also visit and subscribe to our YouTube channel.
“Human life is purposeful. And then, within the greater purpose of life, we each get a chance to first of all work on alleviating pain and suffering. And, secondly, work on optimizing wellbeing and creating positive results in anything we do. And then we may choose to work on the higher impulse, in Zone One, which I'm proposing as a starter place is to liberate my essence, to liberate my higher creational nature.” (Aviv)
“One of the really interesting features of personal development, people tend to think of themselves as singular, like, ‘What do I want to do?’ Well, if their ‘I’ is based in their emotion on Tuesday, then they may want to go into a retreat, and they may want to try and make contact, as you said, with the divine. But then on Thursday a different part of their system, their mental system, may be in charge, and it's going, ‘Oh, my Lord, we're a bit short on cash.’ And then an hour later, a different part of their system is in charge, and it's saying, ‘What's for dinner?’ We're not singular - unless we do a great deal of deliberate work to become whole.” (David)