Portals of Perception

053 - The Mind of the Universe

Episode Notes

In many Portals conversations we explore the nature and meaning of what some people describe as expanded or greater consciousness — experiencing directly higher levels of intelligence and creativity than are ordinarily accessible through physical senses; connecting and communing with the universal source of cosmic or divine inspiration and purpose. 

The paths through history to expanded awareness or deeper levels of spiritual awakening are almost as varied as humans themselves: meditation and spiritual practices; physical ecstasy; hypnosis, and mind-altering substances found in nature or the laboratory. 

In this conversation, we follow the unique journey of awakening and transformation of Professor Christopher M. Bache, who explored the nature of consciousness through the clinical use of LSD in a 20-year study. Chris chronicles his experiences, perceptions, and thoughts about the future of humanity in his book LSD and The Mind of the Universe: Diamonds from Heaven. Chris currently is professor emeritus in the Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies at Youngstown State University.

 Chris and Aviv Shahar take a deeper look at the premise of an intelligent and purposeful universe that actually seeks communion with the human species, and the moment of peril now facing humanity and the planet. 

Among their insights:

This conversation is part of the continuing Portals discovery into what is emerging on the frontiers of human experience in this time of profound change. Information about upcoming special events can be found on the Events page. Also visit and subscribe to our YouTube channel.



“What I found is that by dissolving into the deeper levels of my own mind, I opened beyond my own personal existence into the mind of the universe itself, and in that process repeated over and over again through many years.” (Chris) 

“How you use that amplified consciousness, how you care for it, how you protect it, how you isolate it, how you internalize it, how you meditate with it, and how you engage your mind during those hours of hypersensitivity is what determines the quality of the perception that emerges from that dialogue.” (Chris) 

“I want to be careful, and I want to remind us that a finite mind does as best it can to give cognitive structure to transcendent experiences. So what I’m about to describe is, in terms of justice, a splitting of the Divine Principle into two halves: a male half that stays outside of time and space in a transcendent position, and a female half that begins the process of manifesting time and space in the entire physical cosmos.” (Chris)




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The Mind of the Universe Diamonds From Heaven
