Portals of Perception

051 - The New Intentional Communities

Episode Notes

* This conversation was recorded just a few weeks before the conversation The Emergence of Belonging took place. In several profound ways inquiries framed here are answered in the discoveries of The Emergence of Belonging.

It shouldn’t be surprising that with the cultural changes born of the pandemic, and the ecological crisis of climate change, there is a new passion for, simply put, finding new ways to live — creating ecologies that will support the kind of life we imagine is possible.

It isn’t easy; as intentional communities create their visions, they face familiar challenges: building a shared living space that respects an individual’s passion and growth, while harmoniously supporting mutual values and mission. Surviving practically and financially, when the motivating energy isn’t about making money.

Easy, no. But there is renewed interest — perhaps an emerging global movement — in imagining new blueprints for collective living in this time of cultural and ecological upheaval. Current events poin t to the motivation: forced isolation during the pandemic; environmental catastrophe from the extraction and depletion of natural and human resources, and a deep intuition that we are due for and can bring about a constructive reset for humanity.

What could new models for collaborative living look like? In this conversation, Aviv Shahar joins author, consultant and Emmy Award-winning documentary film director Tucker Walsh for a closer look at the rise of new intentional communities. Tucker’s life - long interest in group and collective living has taken him to communities around the planet.

Among their observations and insights:

This conversation is part of the continuing Portals discovery into what is emerging on the frontiers of human experience in this time of profound change. Information about upcoming special events can be found on the Events page. Also visit and subscribe to our YouTube channel.


“So imagine waking up and hearing animals outside. You just wake up to nature. You have just direct immediate access to nature in a landscape that is not just a plot of land that you kind of clear cut and built your house next to, but you're actually living embedded in the actual nature, and there's a regenerative mindset that says, "This piece of land is my home and I want to leave it better than how I found it."” (Tucker)

“There's a constant awareness and dialogue around trauma, around healing, around shadow work, around awakening. I just sense there are other ways of orienting in a shared collective with people who still feel that healing is an essential part of their daily lives and still feel that doing the work, so to speak, is a part of the work of life, but are here maybe to operate more from a place of service, more from a place of celebration, more from a place of actually healing the external systems and the larger society and the larger structures that are in need of service as well in addition to our ego structure in our psychological health. ” (Tucker)

“The fact that we're alive in this moment even as we're dying is even more of a reason to celebrate, and there's a shift in consciousness that's happening around the existential crisis that's coming — I'm certainly not applying this as the only narrative or as a narrative that would work for everyone.” (Tucker)



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