Portals of Perception

046 - Current Openings #6: The Human Predicament and the Planetary Program

Episode Notes

We know from recent conversations the path out of the addiction trap and other unhealthy habitual patterns leads to a life of better balance between the head and the heart, and closer natural alignment with the ways, energies and rhythms of the planet. But it’s really just a start; the jo urney can go much deeper.

Imagine a two - way conscious living exchange between the human being and the planet for the continual enhancement and benefit of both. It’s part of what we could describe as the planet’s operating system or program. The human (alon g with other organic life) is an integral player in a process and consciousness that are sometimes called reciprocal maintenance.

A simple example is a tree. The roots pull in nourishment from the soil, while the leaves and photosynthesis absorb and conver t cosmic energy from the sun into other types of nourishment that support the tree’s continued growth. The tree in turn cleans and balances the ecosystem in which it lives, to the benefit of organic life.

For the human, aligning to the natural speeds, cycl es, and energies of the planet allows us to better sense our own finer inner systems and technology that, by design, connect to universal systems and intelligence, which we flow in mutual exchange with our host, the planet.

Fortunately, we get more insight and understanding of this amazing process in this conversation between Aviv Shahar and David Price Francis, the latest in the series “Current Openings: What the World Doesn’t Quite Get Yet.”

This conversation is part of the continuing Portals discovery into what is emerging on the frontiers of human experience in this time of profound change. Information about upcoming special events can be found on the Events page. Also visit and subscribe to our YouTube channel.



“I realized something the other day, when I was out for a walk and there were cars coming by. And it dawned on me: I'm telling myself that I love the trees, and I'm looking at the trees. And then I realized in my life, in terms of the actual programming by what's visible, I have seen more cars than trees. So, although I might tell myself trees are the priority in my life, the reality of what I've seen and witnessed is that cars are much more populous in their numbers than trees.” (David)

“Personally, I see astronomy and astrology as a mutual science. It's simply the physical and the energetic. So, when I go out to get a suntan that's astrology because I'm experiencing the energy of the sun. When I look out and I see the moon drawing the oceans, well, that's astronomy and astrology because you can see the effect of the moon pulling the ocean, it's amazing. That magnet is so powerful it pulls the entire Atlantic and Pacific Ocean toward itself. It also affects us when we get to the human. So, the tree is working with a planetary energy, and that planetary energy creates a program to receive other cosmic energies, including the energy from the sun.” (David)

“Just like in organic life, the programs are already running. And then it seems that there's this leading edge of creation, and you're exemplifying right there, in which creation is trying to unders tand and talk about itself, and work out how it does things. And that makes me think about the human side of things. The human program by which we have got this two-stage program where we're on the one hand fully responsive, our body is fully responsive to the planetary program.” (David)

“If we were like squirrels, cats, dogs, birds, trees, we would not have a predicament, we would simply be part of the planet's organic life. And we wouldn't have the extra ingredient of conscious choice. So what I'm getting at is we have a planetary program. And then our human predicament is, we can also run our own programs. So that's our extra ability, that's our super ability, that's our specialness.” (David)

“A key feature and it's exactly what you say a key feature is that esoteric knowledge what makes it esoteric knowledge is that it's not intellectual, it's connected to energy vibration. So when someone is able to get closer to the truth of their experience, like in that moment, he experienced the truth, very facing truth. And it came through with an energy that caused him, it was literally a life changing moment. And certain truths connect to these energies that can suddenly send a surge.” (David)



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