Portals of Perception

042 - Current Openings #2: The Natural Laws

Episode Notes

Welcome to the second conversation in the new Portals series “Current Openings — What the World Doesn’t Quite Get Yet.” It’s a different approach to exploring what’s appearing in the “current,” or flow, of new intelligence and evolutionary possibility washing across humanity and the planet.

David Price Francis, author, spiritual teacher and co - founder of Energy Worlds , joins Aviv Shahar in the Current series, this time for a new perspective on natural laws — the universal principles and forces at play in every level o f life on this planet and throughout the cosmos. Natural laws are the invisible infrastructure and core energies that support and influence all human activity and future possibility.

Consider duality: the law of opposites. Positive and negative; inhale and exhale; the planet’s two poles. How do we embody the balance but also rise above it? Move forward while also escaping the pull of polarity. It’s the same with all the laws: finding the harmony and consciousness that will liberate more of our innate capacity.

With awareness of natural laws and their connection to universal processes, we are able to accelerate our personal development and become conscious contributors in the unfolding future of humanity and the planet.

This wide - ranging conversation unveils new insights about living in harmony with the natural laws and their effect on human capacity for refinement and personal growth, including:

This conversation is part of the continuing Portals discovery into what is emerging on the frontiers of human experience in this time of profound change. Information about upcom ing special events can be found on the Events page. Also visit and subscribe to our YouTube channel.




“I think with the esoteric comes another unders tanding, which is that we can only develop as human beings in accordance and in alignment with the workings of natural laws and principles. ” ( David )

“So, humans have a certain perimeter within which we can gather and within which we can operate. If we choose to try and fly on our own using our own kind of equipment, unlike birds, we're not able. Now, we're clever. We have use of a very advanced brain, more so than anything else on the planet, I believe, and that therefore means that we can manipulate the laws. We can operate inside the laws to create machinery to then enable ourselves to operate within those laws.” ( David )

“For every creation, there's a reaction; for every positive action, there's a reaction coming the other way. So, right now, if we look at, say, the realm of politics, we can see the same natural law, universal law, playing out mostly unconsciously. And this to me is the big feature, which is that human development works by becoming increasingly conscious of these laws and therefore being able to use them towards the development and growth purpose.” ( David )

“So, being able to position oneself inside understanding that law of human life that we have the power of positive and negative, we could say we have the ability to accept things with one hand and deny them with the other.” ( David )

“Yes, so in relationships there are definite laws by which relationships work. It seems to be like this random, do I love him or her? Do I not? Are we soulmates? Are we twin flames? You get it, all this stuff. And I tell folks, psychology usually governs astrology these days for multiple reasons I won't go into too much. But it's the wish at the end of the story instead of, they lived happily ever after. It should be, “...and then the work really started.” (David)




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