Portals of Perception

041 - All Things Connected

Episode Notes

One of the most clear and compelling voices across the wide landscape of personal and collective transformation is Dr. Julie Krull , author, mentor, and radio host whose “superpowers” of consciousness and creativity bring new insight to the journey of wholeness and healing.

Julie hosts the weekly radio program and podcast The Dr. Julie Show: All Things Connected. Her book Fractured Grace: How to Create Beauty, Peace, and Healing for Yourself and the World challenges an outdated worldview that has long fostered a sense of separation and fear among people and comm unities.

Julie’s passionate belief in connected consciousness embraces the core understanding that we are not separate from the creative intelligence that designed the universe. The imperative is to embody this conscious integration and co - create a future where humanity and the planet are both enhanced in a mutual destiny.

In part one of a two - part conversation with Aviv Shahar, Julie reflects on the insights and new learnings that have emerged from radio show dialogues with thought leaders and other remark able guests from around the world, including:

This conversation is part of the continuing Portals discovery into what is emerging on the frontiers of human experience in this time of profound change. Information about upcom ing special events can be found on the Events page. Also visit and subscribe to our YouTube channel.


“I think that the most important piece is that we do now have science, every branch of science. And looking at cosmology, evolution biology, con sciousness studies, developmental psychology, it's like all of them converge with the same story from all the different disciplines now and really showing how this false belief of separation created the world as we know it that's literally breaking down.” (Dr. Julie)

“There's an imperative that we understand our wholeness in relation to a greater whole. So that if the whole planet isn't healthy, I can't be healthy, and so my health depends on living for the good of the whole.” (Dr. Julie)

“I say the sky's not the limit anymore, the cosmos is the limit. When we begin saying what is possible, literally we need to think bigger than we've ever thought before, and so much of where we're at on the planet is about creating greater coherence among communities and holding, and I'm saying holding, you’re right, we don't have to hold it anymore, but as I create greater coherence and we create coherence together, we enter that miracle zone so much more frequently and stay there.” (Dr. Julie)

“I have a coaster over thre. There's this leap and the net will appear to leap and this step will appear, and now it's like okay, the steps are appearing for me and there's that embodied remembering, which is very different than before.” (Dr. Julie)

“Energetically we know emotions feel different. We know what an angry tear feels like. We know what the tear of awe and beauty feels like, and we know what that sob of grief feels like, and so I love imagining that with our waters on the planet and how we can heal one another fr om that understanding and that wisdom of the waters being encoded like this, it's an amazing thing to ponder.” (Dr. Julie)




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