Portals of Perception

040 - Can You Be Authentic?

Episode Notes

At times it may seem the more troubling features of our collective cultural experience — polarization, conflict, isolation — appear so intractable they are now to be expected as almost normalized behaviors of modern community life. They’re not.

Each one of us has the natural intelligence and creativity to transcend polarities with a greater perspective, transform the energy of conflict into resolution, and live an authentic life true to our self - chosen path, beliefs and values. At any time we can make a conscious decision that can alter our life, relationships and community.

Fortunately, we also have tools and insights available to help explore the practice of what is known as authentic relating and creating deeper human connections. In this conversation, Aviv Shahar is joined by Jason Digges , artist, philosopher, teacher and author of Conflict = Energy. Jason is a global leader of the authentic relating movement.

Aviv and Jason take a closer look at its origins and central ideas, and the many revealing stories in Jason’s personal and professional journeys. Among their insights:

Our empowerment comes from our ability to see the context that we're in and make a conscious decision: Do I want to do this? Do I want to play this game?

When we come together and there is friction, we bump up against one another ― there's so much to learn. We need authe nticity and courage to lean into it.

The foundation of authentic relating is taking multiple perspectives. We have a polarity of dignity, or my voice matters, and humility — listening to others. If either goes offline, we end up in posture or collapse.

The se are simply tools you can use in every situation — to help you get in touch with yourself and create a space with others. That's why it's called authentic relating.

The first person you need to become authentic with is yourself, or there isn't really any thing else.

Capitalism is killing us; we don’t need to abolish capitalism as an economic system, but stop capitalizing on people; stop looking at people as commodities.

This conversation is part of the continuing Portals discovery into what is emerging on the frontiers of human experience in this time of profound change. Information about upcom ing special events can be found on the Events page. Also visit and subscribe to our YouTube channel.




“You know, our interiors and the human potential movement were so interesting, and then, you know, psychedelics were outlawed, and there was this big swing back to the right in America in the 80s, and a much more conservative atmosphere.” (Jason)

“The way I think of leadership is, I have a friend who does Equine Assisted Therapy on horses. Their energetic and emotional systems are so interesting because their hearts are five times bigger than ours. If you take your fist and like your heart is about this big, well their heart is five times as big as that and then the energetic field is actually that big and that strong and so horses are so energetically sensitive and if y ou have a talented equine therapist they can bring you into the paddy with, you know, this fenced in grassy area with a group of horses and they can point out these different dynamics and they can actually show you your own consciousness and your own energ y happening out there in their fields because they're so energetically sensitive.” (Jason)

“There were 3000 groups happening in America that were all relational groups. They were all groups based on developing your authenticity and relational practice, li ke working it out together. Because when we come together and there is friction and we bump up against one another, there's so much to learn and what we need is authenticity and courage to lean into it, and then you know that relationship or the relational field of a group can teach us so much about how we're making meaning and doing developmental work, like, is there a higher way to make meaning? Right? So, relational practice really can accelerate development. It accelerates our emotional and social devel opment.” (Jason)

“I believe that the foundation of authentically relating to you is taking multiple perspectives and polarity. So we have a polarity that we call dignity and humility, and dignity is my voice matters, and humility is the ability to listen to another person, and if either one of these things goes offline, we end up in posture or collapse.” (Jason)

“You know that saying thank you and nice job is called politeness. It's called being cordial. It's actually not really investing in the relationship. They call it the relational capital between us, right? Saying thank you and nice job is like putting pennies in the piggy bank; it doesn't actually do much. But if you can notice a unique quality that this person is bringing to the community and acknowledge them for it, and even one step better, acknowledge them in front of the other people and now all of a sudden, what I'm doing is I'm taking this warmth in heart energy and I'm just spreading it around and I'm acknowledging you in a way that feels specific and unique.” (Jason)




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