Portals of Perception

039 - Current Openings: What the World Doesn't Quite Get Yet

Episode Notes

Welcome to the first conversation in a new Portals series: “Current Openings — What the World Doesn’t Quite Get Yet.” David Price Francis, author, spiritual teacher and co - founder of Energy Worlds, joins Aviv Shahar for this adventure. In the case of the title, “current” refers to the flow of energy that is part of the new evolutionary potential was hing through humanity and the planet.

In this overture to what is to come, Aviv and David explore the intelligence and universal awareness appearing in this time of profound change - guided by the wisdom and perceptions of three Portals friends: the ‘teric’ sisters — esoteric, mesoteric and exoteric.

The sisters have much to show us as we journey away from an external exoteric worldview grounded in a shifting and chaotic landscape. It’s where personal or collective change can even be viewed as a sign of consp iracy among unseen, unfriendly forces trying to shape our lives. While the elder esoteric sister gently points the way to a larger truth of the innate human connection to the highest levels of universal understanding, and potential for real transformation.

Given the sometimes scary state of world affairs, how can we accelerate the perceptual journey from an unstable external reality to an inner knowing of limitless possibility and wellbeing?

This conversation is part of the continuing Portals discovery into what is emerging on the frontiers of human experience in this time of profound change. Information about upcom ing special events can be found on the Events page. Also visit and subscribe to our YouTube channel.


“Typically, in relation to that the journey towards that esoteric core sister is the journey toward greater truth, as I see it, it totally fits with that idea of what is the truth of human existence? And something that goes with that, from my own experience, is there's increasing evidence to support it. To me, that's a big difference between real esoteric core matters and conspiratorial thinking.” (David) 

“Right so, I'd go with the name Portals of Perception on that one, which is that let's take the fact of us talking right now and both of us, this is something a person does have control of. It's like a person may feel disenfranchised, unempowered, and yet they can use their eyes to see. They can use their ears to hear. They can move their arms. They can move their legs mostly with a few exceptions. But we are in control of everything the universe gave us to be in control of. So, that's first principles, and I think of esoteric as first principles. It's like, why are our eyes placed as the highest holes in our heads? It's amazing.” (David) 

“People identifying with certain modalities, whatever they may be, and then claiming themselves to be a master of this or master of that, or I'm a trained avatar, I'm a trained I won't get into each name, not to be offensive, but people build identities upon certain practices. So, they'll say, well, I'll just give one actual example, ‘I'm a Reiki Master.’ Well, just taking the word, what does Reiki mean, it means universal energy. Well, I've been at this forty years, and I would not claim to be a master of universal energy. It's a kind of an outrageous claim to make. And the person will say, well, it's just a brand. Well, the meaning is universal energy.” (David) 

“I love the word transparent. When you break it into two parts, it's a trans parent. So, a good parent gives the child roots and wings and gives them good grounding and the ability to fly, but they are their own person. They're not brought into the orbit of the parents, and the parents are saying, ‘This is what you're going to be’ because the child has its own spiritual authenticity and power. So, transparent to me means new understanding comes in and we're able to then give the best translation we can of what's in that portal, which will never be 100%, but it will be our best attempt to do that.” (David) 

“So, the more we get to the esoteric, the less mass, which is very often also why there's less mass of people, but the closer to a more potentized energy.” (David) 



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